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Ägypten 2022

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Patrizia wrote her experience, to say thank you in a special way...

Egypt, an adventure.

Egypt has always fascinated me, I met it when I was 20 years old, I discovered it through the novels of Christian Jacques. At that time, I lived and felt the adventure through his pen. Very quickly my attention was captured by the healers, the priests, the magic, the rituals. I was literally captivated by this whole universe.

I waited 29 years to have one of my dreams fulfilled and the experience was well worth the wait.

Let's start at the beginning, the theme of the trip was "The The Journey to yourself".

This Journey, I did this trip with 6 other people, Mario, our leader and guide during these two weeks. He amazed us during this stay. Everyone should travel one day with Mario. You will understand it later when you read the rest. Sebastian, the youngest with the beautiful blue eyes, sensitive and curious about energy discoveries. Marc, elegant, gentleman, ready for any situation, helpful and my mosquito repellent savior :). Mandy, the radiant storm, nothing resists her, the Bedouins were completely seduced by her charm, her openness, and her smile. Martin, discreet, solid, curious and always ready to help. Renata, the sweet and beautiful one. Elegant, adventurous, courageous, a true example of resilience. And then me, Mario's assistant during this trip but also open to the experience of meeting myself and letting my superpowers emerge.

The first 2 days, we took the time to discover Cairo and its magnificent Egyptian Museum, the oldest and most beautiful Al-Azhar Mosque. Further on to Saqqarah, its tombs, Temples and its pyramids.

And to allow us to relax, 2 boat trips on the Nile are on the program, the first one on a small sailboat (Feluca) and the second one on a big restaurant boat.

The Feluca allowed me to go down inside myself and arrive in Egypt. To breathe and to let go of all the tensions of the days before the trip.

The second evening was more festive, we attended a belly dance by an Egyptian woman with splendid long hair, with generous curves, talented and smiling dancer. Maybe she had done some breast surgery, they look huge… 

We all danced, Marc and Sebastian are salsa dancers, youhouuuu, I was able to sway to the wild rhythms.

We had to be pushed out at the end of the evening.

A nice relaxing and luxurious evening before our departure the next day for the desert.

Departure 7:30 am, with sleepy eyes, we went to the 5 stars breakfast, a treat for the eyes and a good taste for the belly. Between the Egyptian cuisine, the continental breakfast, the fruits, the juices and the pastries of La Madeleine, it was difficult to choose

We are ready for 4,5 hours drive to the Bahariyya


For 2 days, we stay in a camp, very simple rooms, the minimum of comfort. The day we leave to explore the desert and the natural spring sources, we bath, we get used to.

We get acquainted with the dessert during the day and in the evening, the Bedouins make us party, Mandy our star makes everybody melt, it is party time, we dance, we smoke chicha, we try the belly dance, I can tell you that the locals have laughed a lot and us too

Third morning, we are ready for the desert for 4 days and 4 nights.

If I had been told before embarking all that we were going to cross and go through, not sure that I would have got into the Jeep

Direction white dessert, everything is whouahhhhh, it's beautiful and magical.

We explore different places whose energetic vibration is very powerful, it vibrates everywhere, personally, I feel alive, connected to the earth, bare feet, we climb a small mountain, finally, I stop before the summit, I do not have the adequate shoes but sincerely, at this height there, the light is already magnificent and the marvelous landscape, it is the sunset, and I am amazed. I settle down for a meditation, I welcome the dessert and its power.

I am lucky that all the people of the group are gifted in photography, I can concentrate on what is essential for me during this journey, to feel the energy, to absorb it to awaken the universal knowledge and to be one with it.

The night welcomes us, we establish the camp, and the wind begins to blow stronger. Our guides prepare us a great meal, we have the visit of a family of dessert-Foxes which came to beg the remains of chicken, they are adorable, we learn how they live in the dessert, how they come to look for the bones to then bury them and eat them when they are hungry.

I ask one of our Bedouins Guids if I can pray with him, end of the evening, here we are the 7 of us lined up to do a Muslim prayer, I don't understand anything, but I liked the idea of experiencing a little bit of their wisdom. Facing to Kaaba (Direction East) and no Women in front of Men… (because of Popo view :-)

It's time to get ready to sleep under the stars, everyone in the group is super-hot to sleep outside.

Half an hour after our installation without a tent, I understand that I will never be able to fall asleep because of the wind which blows more and more strongly, I took my sleeping bag and I went to sleep in the car.

The next day, I learn that nobody slept well, because of the wind.

Since that night until the end of our adventure in the dessert, the wind did not let us go, on the contrary, it only increased, we all ate and breathed sand and dust.

This allowed me to understand why the Bedouins wear the scarf. You don't survive in the storm without it.

What I also had to learn with this storm is, how to pee without getting your feet full of it, the wind was so powerful that you had little chance of succeeding if you didn't find the ideal place and facing away from the wind, to shelter you from the wind.

Our 4 days were punctuated by meals, the meeting at the oasis for some fresh water and shade, the discovery of energetically powerful places and to strip off the superfluous, a return to the essential, with a very simple life, keeping almost the same clothes during 4 days. Little or no internet connection.

Total immersion with the group, sharing meditation, yoga, discoveries, exchanges, friendship, dance, drumming/ singing music, simplicity, laughter.

Finally at the end we were no longer 7 in the group but 10 friends, our guides were part of our adventure and we of theirs.

An event marked our stay, a car accident on the 2nd day, Renata was badly shaken and was slightly injured.

At the time, I don't see that the 2nd jeep misses the descent of the dune and instead of sliding, it flew down, so much to say that a shock was there for the occupants of the car.

I understand from Renata's face that there is a problem, she got out of the car, collapses on the ground, I am the only therapist of the group, the first 10 minutes, I wondered how I was going to manage. I remembered my first aid training. Very quickly, I understand that she is in shock, we are all with her, everything is organized around her, we lift her up, we move her in the other car, direction the oasis for the first aid. Fortunately, no blood, no open wound.

At that moment, the healer who was still sleeping a little in me was totally awake, I had no other choice than to take care of her and to find with what we had at our disposal the way to relieve her.

What is very strange after the shock, I perceive that she needed this trauma to heal another trauma, I share with her my feeling, we leave that aside but not for very long, what will happen a few days later is just bluffing for me and for her.

This trip was a real initiation for me and for everybody, because the car had also taken a lot of damage, some of us learned how to repair a radiator, a roof rack and how to take the car out of the sand in the middle of nowhere in the dessert.

I can tell you that it was a real adventure!

I let myself be inspired in the dessert and I created a healing circle, I told myself that if 2 hands could relieve Renata, 18 hands, 9 people intending to relieve and heal someone had to have much more effect.

Here we are all in a circle, Renata in the center, our hands on her, sending our healing energy, for quite a while, we were timeless, she received the love of all and that was magic, and the end was magnificent, one of our guides recited a prayer in Renata's ear, it was so beautiful and melodious that I cried. Mario too and the others, maybe too

The rest of the stay was punctuated by the storm, the meals, the discovery, the exchanges, some walks and the fact of sleeping all together in the big tent.

I forget a very funny episode, the 2nd night, I ask to sleep in a small tent for 2 persons, I settle there with Mario, everything goes well the first hour until the wind increases and I find myself with the tent taped to my face.

I thought I was going to fly away with it

We ended the night in the car, and yes, curled up in the back seat.

The next day when we woke up, the tent had flown away with our mattresses, we found it a few dunes further away.

The next night, I slept with the whole group in the big tent. I was done with the nightly experiences.

The last two nights before going to sleep, Mario rocked us with his powerful and melodious voice. He took us on a journey with his specially prepared guided Meditation.

The stay in the dessert is transformative. If you ever want to try it, I can only encourage you.

There is a power in the desert that you can only feel there, places of initiations well known by the Bedouins, we discovered many.

There was the cave where we had to crawl to get to the other side and discover a place where we could experience the vibration of sounds, with an OM in the head.

I don't remember if it was in this place that I was able to connect to my future and see clearly all the decisions I was going to make in the next few months.

Magic was present everywhere and all the time.

Every place had a message, a power of awakening.

The elements of nature like the wind, the sand, the springs, they penetrate you with force if you open yourself to them, the knowledge can then emerge naturally, everything awakened inside.

After these 6 days, it was time for the group to go back to Cairo, to our 5-star hotel. I enjoyed the contrast and comfort that our hotel offered us.

The great privilege of taking a shower and sleeping in a cozy bed was fully appreciated.

Especially the next day, it was the great pyramid of Gizeh that was waiting for us.

At 5 pm, we had a private slot of 2 hours to visit its interior and the king chamber.

During the day we visited the Gizeh plateau and its pyramids. We walked around, getting used to the energy in preparation for our evening meeting.

I was a bit intimidated to be there, in front of this jewel of history. One of the 7 world wonders. But also, by the contrast of the poverty all around.

Throughout my stay, the poverty that reigns in certain neighborhoods touched me. I realized how lucky we are in Europe or Switzerland to have very luxurious living conditions in comparison.

In the next few years, I plan to help the poorest people in my work.

Let's come back to the great pyramid, for our visit, we had planned to wear the Egyptian dress the djellaba, here we are ready to enter the history.

It is Amina, our guide who takes care of the authorizations.

Mario asks if we can go down to the base chamber at the bottom deep down under the pyramid, and our guide accepts, we feel honored because this room is normally not accessible to the public.

The chamber itself is not extraordinary but it holds secrets, perhaps it was through there that the stones for the construction arrived? Or maybe what our guide tells us that priests used to come here to pray. Nobody knows today how the pyramids could have been built. This secret is still kept…

My feeling in this room is that there is a concentration of energy with which I have difficulty to synchronize myself, my legs burn, I am almost ready to stop my exploration of the pyramid, fortunately Mario finds the words to allow me to continue.

We cross the amazing great gallery, and we are in the king's chamber, the sarcophagus is placed at the 2/3 of the room, in the center, there is no inscription on the walls.

We are going to stay there during 1h30. But now time doesn't matter anymore, everyone settles down for his journey, Mario surprised us... no more words can describe the journey.

I went into the depths of my history, I had the sensation of removing layers, I unloaded not very happy memories. When I close my eyes today while writing to you, I feel the joy, the innocence of a child that nothing has hurt yet and that marvels at everything.

At the end, quite spontaneously each one of us goes towards the sarcophagus, we put ourselves around it, there is a magical experience for everyone of us.

Another layer that I was able to remove and put down there. I felt very light at the end.

Mario had taken before and after pictures and we all got a glow in our eyes as we walked out of the pyramid where the sunset was waiting for us, making this moment even more precious.

I have a strong ability to feel the history of the place and the energy, and I admit that I was afraid to be too impacted by this visit. I was not mistaken, I was sick the whole night after the visit and I was not in great shape, traveler’s diarrhea, energy manifestation? I will lean for the 3rd option and you?

I don't know if I could have prepared this experience better or if the unloading I felt inside had to go through the physical body.

After a day off for the group, the next step that marked the trip was meeting Shahrazad. Her family owns a stone store at the foot of the pyramids. Her father was the keeper of the ancient knowledge and the pyramids.

We stayed a few hours in her shop.

She distilled her magic and knowledge by asking us different questions, advising us which stones good for each of us.

Shahrazad really has everything of the witch as one can imagine, her look, her words, her way of chanting a mantra when she heals you.

You remember Renata's accident and my feeling that she needed this to heal another trauma.

Shahrazad is kind enough to heal Renata and the first thing she tells her is that she needed that accident to heal another trauma. I'm amazed, we didn't have talked about it before.

This event allowed me to become aware of my powers as a healer, I perceive my potential, I did not doubt it before, but I did not realize that I could deploy much more power during my care.

This trip was a journey of initiation, made of magic, mysteries, joy, love and friendship.

The next part of the trip took us to Alexandria for 2 days and one night, there is a real contrast between Cairo and Alexandria. The sea air is delicious, the city has only 5.5 million inhabitants while Cairo has 21 million.

Alexandria is richer, the cleanliness more present, a form of modernity, the woman is freer, all do not wear the veil.

We visit the roman catacombs and the citadel at the habour which offers us a magnificent view on the ocean.

In the evening, we offered ourselves an orgy of fresh fish, personally, I am still on a diet but I can tell you that the others loved it

In the evening, our Mandy left us to return to Germany, the end of the adventure for her.

She will leave us a little bit of her spirit and her joy until the end of our stay.

We return to Cairo, in the evening, we eat in the Moroccan restaurant of the hotel, the food is delicious, and we have the surprise to have a singer among the customers who honors us with her magnificent voice and some songs.

The next day, it's the departure for Sebastian, Renata and Martin and for Mario, Marc and me, it's a training day with Shahrazad.

Here we are again at the foot of the pyramids, to receive our initiation to the healings of Isis.

Honestly, this is the least academic teaching I have ever received in my life.

We were in the back of the stone store, one chair for 3, in the scent and dust of herbs. We followed what Shahrazad asked us to do and so we worked on the whole body. We took some videos of the training, because honestly, I'm not sure I will remember everything. But for sure it was one of the powerful lessons I ever had.

What I can understand today from this knowledge is that the ancients had found the resonance points in the body to heal. We use our fingers as instruments, we connect to a series of points and the magic happens.

I like the spirit of this knowledge. Everyone can learn it, having it in their hands the possibility to take care of another person. And once the "technique" is practiced, if one feels like it, one can share it with others.

I am already looking forward to sharing it.

We ended the day on the terrace of Shahrazad's family house, to watch the sunset behind the pyramids, we took beautiful pictures, the memory is captured, the anchoring materialized, the magic in the phone and in the heart.

And so ends the highlights of our trip to Egypt, "The Journey to yourself" which kept all its promises and much more.

A special thanks to Mario, his organization was exceptional. Our adventure was great, an unforgettable experience.

A adventure of a lifetime.



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